Walt Baranger’s LottoCalc

Lottery calculator and keno-type game modeling tool

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This tool allows you to enter the details of a lottery or keno-type game and determine the odds and, optionally, the probable long-run financial outcome. It does not select lottery numbers to play or perform any other pseudo-scientific silliness. It also does not calculate winner’s taxes, which can significantly reduce lottery jackpots.

You can enter details of an existing game or try different combinations to find an optimal outcome. If you make a mistake or want to try something different, simply use your browser’s “back” button to change and resubmit data. To eliminate ambiguity, LottoCalc terminology refers to a mechanical lottery — that is, one on which balls are drawn from a hopper. However, the math is exactly the same if a computer selects the winning numbers.

You don’t need to know much math to use LottoCalc’s basic features. Just have an idea of the the rules of the lottery or keno game that you wish to investigate. More sophisticated users can add financial data to determine such things as long-term payouts and profitability.

FAQ’s about lotteries, Lotto, Keno and Bingo are here. Study the basic rules of the game (usually explained on an official web site) before attempting to reproduce the game’s results here.

Enter The Basics

 1   How many numbers are picked by the player, excluding any bonus number?   Minimum of 1; Maximum of 99

 2   Is a bonus ball drawn? 

No bonus” means that no bonus ball is drawn.

Yes, one ball is drawn from a different pool” means one bonus ball is drawn from a separate set of balls, often fewer than the main pool of balls. This method is used by Mega Millions, for example.

 3   Click here to begin: 

Send comments to walt@baranger.us